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How to fix "only one EDAPT objects folder must exist..." error?

For the most part, I've been really happy with 7.0. However, this new requirement that all EDAPT objects be placed in a single folder in the Library's root has made importing pre-rigged assets a massive pain. I somehow fixed the issue in a couple of cartoons I've worked on, but I think that was just luck, because I cannot figure out how to fix in in my current project. I've moved all the objects to the root "EDAPT objects" folder (they are all copies—i.e., "magnet target copy," "center marker copy," etc.—because I already had an EDAPT folder made for a different symbol), but I am still getting the error.


Is there a reliable way to address this issue?

asked Oct 13, 2024 by Seth

1 Answer

Hi Seth,


When resolving EDAPT Object conflicts keep this in mind:

In a document there should be only one Magnet Target symbol and only one Center Marker symbol in the only EDAPT Objects folder, which is located in Library's root. There should be no copies of any EDAPT special object at all.


Having duplicates has always been against the SMR design, rules and documentation. It was an omission on our end that in previous versions we did not enforce that.


To get rid of your duplicates, one by one take them out of the EDAPT objects folder, rename them manually by removing the ' copy' suffix and drop them back into the EDAPT objects folder, replacing the original.

You should end up with one MagnetTargets symbol and one Center Marker symbol.

In the future when you bring in assets if you come across MT and CM conflicts always choose 'replace'.
That's it.


Hope this helps!

answered Oct 13, 2024 by nick