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Export and Import multiple pre-Rigged Characters

Hello all,

this might be 'obvious' but I am having trouble of rigging a character in one file of Animate and importing it to another file what i am aiming to do is to rig multiple character in their own Animate files then import these characters to one animate file to animate a scene, without having to redo the rigging everytime.

I am sure there is a simple - 'export character ' option that i can then import as many times as i want and animate differently in combination with other character, but i just can't see how?

if i copy & paste a rigged character from one file to the other, things in the meta data get saved in places it shouldn't and they don't move anymore as they do in their original file....

your help is much appreciated
asked Nov 7, 2024 by HWridan

1 Answer

Best answer
To transfer rigged characters from one FLA to another use copy/paste frames or layers, or nest them inside Graphic containers and copy/paste those containers.

Detailed information how to handle metadata can be found here: https://flash-powertools.com/advanced-smr-1-the-invisible-force/
answered Nov 7, 2024 by nick