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Overriding layer heirarchy

Hi there!
So the layer order of the character limbs determine which limbs are visible infornt of which. 
this is cool, but if i want the freedom to sometime cross the right arm in front of torso and other times behind it, do i need to copy and paste the right arm above and below the torso, or is there a trick to be able to occasionaly override this layer heirarchy? Layer parenting fall under the same rules of layer heirarchy .. right ? sorry if its an obvious solution but as evident I only briefly started with proper 2d animations.

for an example of what i am looking for to here is a link, but i am not sure what program they are using ,and if its animate cc i am not clear where to find the option to play with the 'z positions'. 

Thank you for your patience and guidance 

asked Nov 21, 2024 by HaWridan

1 Answer

You can incorporate Visibility Switches in your rig.


You can download SMR Giskard to play with and explore:


Hope this helps!

ps. The program in the video you posted above is most likely ToonBoom Harmony.

answered Nov 21, 2024 by nick
Yup ! This is it ! I knew I came across this while browsing through vids but forgot what it was and how to find it again

thank you !
You're most welcome!