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Camera movements not exporting; EDAP-related? [ unrelated to EDAP Tools ]



I have a problem that has really thrown me for a loop. I want to preface this by saying that it doesn't *appear* to be directly related to EDAP tools. The problem is that I can't think of what else it could be at this point. So if you'll bear with me, I'd like to describe the problem in the hopes that it'll ring a bell for somebody.


After drawing and rigging everything for a short cartoon, I added all the camera work. Unfortunately, this particular file will not export any of my camera changes aside from the first: i.e., wherever the camera is placed on the first frame will be its placement for the entire duration of the short, other key frames be damned. If I change that initial placement, though, that is reflected in the exported file. It's the changes that occur after that that aren't showing up in the exported file.


I spent last night scrubbing everything Adobe from my computer and then re-installing each Adobe app I own including Animate in the hopes that that would fix the problem.

It didn't. The exported movie file still fails to reflect the camera movements.


So next, I tried to export an older project to see if its camera movements would show up in the resulting movie file. And what do you know, they did! My best guess, then, was that there was something wrong with the specific document. So, after asking about it on the Animate subreddit, I tried to implement a suggested fix: copy-pasting all the layers from the main stage into a new document.


Unfortunately, that didn't work, either. My only guess at this point—which I've arrived at purely by process of elimination—is that between the multiple EDAP-related layers I added (RC sliders, transformers, etc.), I did something that somehow broke the file.


What I would really like to know, then, is if anyone has run into similar issues while using EDAP Tools, and if so, what steps you took to fix it.


closed with the note: unrelated to EDAP Tools
asked Dec 13, 2024 by anonymous
closed Dec 14, 2024 by nick

2 Answers

Best answer

I saw your reddit thread.


Flash has a limit of 16 000 frames per timeline. Going over 15 000 can cause all kinds of problems.


I will lock this as it is now clear that the cause has nothing to do with EDAP Tools.

answered Dec 14, 2024 by nick
selected Dec 14, 2024 by nick



The camera in Animate is one of the Advanced Layers-based features, such as Layer Parenting, Frame Filters and so on. All of them are prone to various bugs.


Personally, I don't see how the camera problems you experience can be directly or indirectly related to EDAP Tools as none of our tools do anything to the camera system, but, of course, in the mess that current Animate is everything is possible. Unfortunately, only bugs which can be reproduced can be investigated, and this case seems to point more toward some form of file/asset corruption or an unknown Animate bug.




Since it seems that you have already completed your project and the problem that you have is exporting it, I would suggest that you try and render a PNG sequence, which you will then recombine into a video in Premiere or another video editing application.

PNG export uses a different render method and it is very likely that the camera will work properly there.


To export a PNG sequence go to File > Export > Export Movie... and in the Save As dialog choose PNG Sequence as the file type.


Hope this helps!

answered Dec 13, 2024 by nick