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Attach hair to head


Thank you to the flanimate team for creating this tool!

I'm currently making a rig. What's the best way to attach a hair symbol to the head while having the hair symbol be behind the body?
I'd like a hair symbol to move with the head. But I'd also like the hair symbol to be behind the torso.

Thank you for your time!
asked Aug 30, 2023 by skug89

1 Answer

Hi skug89,


If it is very long hair or a pony tail, you can have it as a separate symbol on the character timeline attached to the head and placed on a layer behind it.


A similar question was asked a few years ago and then I quickly created this rig as an example. It should give you an idea how to approch the problem.

Depending on your design and desired behavior you may also experiment with soft-welding the hair.


Hope this helps!

answered Aug 31, 2023 by nick
Hi Nick

Thanks for the help

Unfortuanetly I'm having trouble linking the head to the hair. How can I link the head to the hair?

Here's a video demonstrating the issue:

Hello again, skug89!


Thanks for the video!


In the case with my rig, the hair is already rigged, so you can't rig it a second time without un-rigging it first.


With your rig, I can see that you already have a Magnet Target inside the head and a Center Marker inside the hair. Maybe it was already rigged and is a part of a different rig, and that is why you can't rig to this head?

I can see a layer folder called old in your Timeline with 3 hidden locked layers, so maybe you duplicated the hair from there and it is still a part of that rig.


Try this first:

  1. Select the hair symbol and remove the Rig info from it, by clicking on the X button in SMR Helpers panel.
  2. Enter the hair symbol, unlock your artwork layer, select and deselect the shape, just to make sure Animate refreshes its knowledge of where it is. Leave it unlocked.
  3. Go inside the head symbol and delete the MagnetTargets layer. 
  4. Try to rig again with the FreeStyle Rigging tool.


If after that you're still having difficulty, you can email me the FLA to have a look at it.

(The email address is shown above the contact form.)


Also, it will be good to read these articles:



Thanks for the help!

I think you're right that the hair symbol was already rigged.

I fixed it by deleting and remaking the hair symbol.
Well done!

When you get some time look into those articles I mentioned in my previous post. They talk about the methods of repairing and editing existing Smart Magnet Rigs.

Good luck with your project!