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Is it possible to implement action reuse?



Automatic translation added by the admin:

Hello, is it possible to implement the function of reusing actions?
Is it to save the action keyframe clips and then load them to other models with one click to make the same actions?

asked Jan 5, 2024 by anonymous

1 Answer

If I understand your question correctly, we show a method of reusing animation in this article:




Hope this helps!


ps. In the future, please, make the effort to translate your questions and post them in English.

answered Jan 5, 2024 by nick
Thank you for your answer, I am sorry my English is not very good, this is a great software plug-in, looking forward to you for Chinese fans to open more convenient advanced features of the payment channel.
Thank you for the kind words!

Over the years there have been requests for multi-language support and also different payment methods, but the size and scope of our project is such that most likely it will always be English-only.

We understand that this is not ideal for everyone, but is the best that we can do.

Good luck with your projects!