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Ctrl ~ isn't working?

Hello there!

so ~ |` tilda key works in snapping command up the chain
but the inverse Ctrl ~|` doesn't ?

When i try it just snaps normally (up the chain) and every now and then a popup comes up explaining that ~ is to snap up the chain while the inverse needs Ctrl ~ is to snap down the chain - i understand that to mean that to mean a leg will snap to the knee if i press ~ but should snap to the foot if i snap inverse it with a Ctrl ~, correct? -

and i can't seem to manually change the inverse snap command short cut, assuming my 'control key' is the problem- btw it works normally
Oh and I'm using a mac in case that differs in shortcuts .

thank you for all your help ^_^
asked Dec 4, 2024 by Hawri

2 Answers



Since you're on a Mac, use the Command key instead of Ctrl for all shortcuts.


If it still does not work, try holding down Command and pressing on the Smart Magnet Joint button in EDAPT Commands panel to make sure the command functions as it should.

Best would be to test with one of our rigs, for example the rabbit.


Here is my old reply to the same question, which you asked two months ago, in October.


Let me know how you go.

answered Dec 4, 2024 by nick
edited Dec 4, 2024 by nick
Hi sorry for the double post ^^; but...

it doesn't work? Opt + ~  creates a CenterMarker layer,
and Opt + Smart Magnet Joint from the Edapt commands Panel does a normal snap (~)
same on the Rabbit


I meant Command key, not Option. Will edit my post above.

Alas, command key also doesn't do the trick

Then there may be a Mac system shortcut blocking this combination [ Command+~ ].

It shouldn't block the work of the EDAPT Commands panel, though.


Try to change the particular shortcut to something else as described here:


(Read the whole article about the multifunction commands.)


It does work on Mac just fine as you can see here:


I don't know I tried three different keys as alternatives, D, 6, other random letters they didn't work but 7 worked!

now 7 snaps and command 7 inverse snaps T^T

Thank you for your patience, i still have no clue what the issue is
if you somehow figure it out please let me know, I wouldn't be surprised if i wake up tomorrow and it isn't working

have a lovely evening ^_^



Well done, Hawri! happy


The only thing that I can think of is that another program or the OS itself was blocking the key combination from reaching Animate.


Good luck with your projects!

I am on Windows 11, using Animate CC 2019, and have the same issue! Unfortunately, Hawri's solution of changing the shortcut from Ctrl + tilda to Ctrl + 7 did not work for me. Holding Ctrl while clicking on "Smart Magnet Joint" inside the EDAPT Commands also did not work. 

An additional bizarre observation: While Inverse Snap does nothing for most child symbols, for two specific child symbols that are parents themselves, Ctrl. + ` accomplished exactly what ` would have (snapping them onto their parents rather than inverse snapping their parents to them). This is not the case for other symbols that are both children and parents.
The exact same behavior happens when I tried this on the sample FK Robot: Ctrl + ` did not work for the most part, and when it worked for the robot arms, it did a normal snap.

I am perfectly content with with working with regular snap, and use 1 then move parents & children together to avoid the need for inverse snap. However, if there is every any development on the issue, I'd like to be notified! 

answered 1 day ago by bboz
edited 1 day ago
Hi bboz!

I just tested in Animate 2019 (Windows 10) and it works fine.

Is it possible that you are making an user error with the initial selection, selecting for example the hand and expecting its parent, the lower arm, to snap to it?
If so, it does not work like this.
You have to select the element itself (i.e. the lower arm) and then [ Ctrl+` ]. Then it snaps to its child, the hand. (You can, of course, select both elements, if you like.)

With the FK Robot, move away the lower arm.
Select the upper arm.
Press [ Ctrl+` ]
It should snap to the lower arm.
Hi Nick, thank you for testing for me! Here is a video demonstrating what's going on on my end: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eYdItNkoZ6vHmniTbJFlGSYuqO29dldx/view?usp=sharing

I don't believe I made errors with the selection, but please let me know if I misunderstood how this works!
Ohhh very sorry! After re-reading your reply, I realized I misunderstood how Ctrl + ` was meant to work entirely! I had selected the lower arm when I did the inverse snap, expecting the upper arm to snap to it.

Selecting the Upper Arm while the Lower Arm was away worked fine!
Thank you very much for your time!

happy Thanks for the video, bboz, and very glad that it's now clear how inverse snapping should be used!

The logic is that the selected is the one that will always be controlled by the command, so you can choose whether to snap it up or down the hierarchy.

Best regards!
