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How can I use walk animation multiple time

I am using version 7.0.

Let's say, I want to make walking animation once, and save it to use later, because character walking or running a lot, If I do walking animation manually everytime, it will be too much wasting time. Is there any solution for that?

the walking animation should be for the legs only because the arm can free moving or holing something when walking
asked Oct 30, 2024 by kaipa

1 Answer

Best answer

This is a general symbol nesting question and has nothing to do specifically with EDAP Tools.


Animate the walk inside a Graphic symbol container.

To reuse in a new FLA copy/paste the symbol and modify the content to suit your needs.
To reuse in the same FLA duplicate the container with the default Duplicate Symbol function [ Ctrl+E ] and modify.


More general information about how to use Flash can be found here: https://flash-powertools.com/workflow/


answered Oct 30, 2024 by nick
Hi nick,

Sorry, I'm not a native English speaker, I learn to use Flanimate via this website and tutorials on youtube. I only know how to basically use Flanimate. But your articles are too much for me to fully understand.

Sometimes when I move character by Kine Flex (SMR tool). It got error, body parts randomly move to another position that I dont want to. Sometimes it broken in classic tween between keyframes. Sometimes it broken in the keyframes itself. I think it is because of layer parenting error.
When I use Kine Flex, it will clear layer parenting of the keyframes that I work with.
You can watch this video to see the error happens:
As I said before, it not always is an error, just sometimes.

This is one of the least f*cked up error I ever have faced, because the arm still in the right position. In the past, I have to do the rigging from the beginning and re-do all animations again everytime because I dont know how to fix it. Even re-layer parenting does not make body parts return to it's original position.
Please save my soul. Thank you!



this is when the error make the body parts move away out of it's original position, but layer parenting is not affected. I dont understand at all.

Hi Kaipa,



It is not a good idea to keep Layer Parenting on when using SMR.

Read about it here: https://flash-powertools.com/smr-and-layer-parenting/

Layer Parenting is full of too many bugs to be reliable. If you really want to make use of it, only enable it at the end when animation is complete to have the elements move along arcs.



Do not offset keyframes for the body parts.

Get into the habit of creating vertical columns of keys across all layers of your character. Think of them as poses.

Watch this video which will give you an idea how animation is done in Flash:

Thank you for your reply.
I am using free version so I dont have any of these IK things in the video.

What I've done is:
import the character from Illustrator
create graphic symbol for each body parts
move the transformation point to the right poisition
make them adaptable
rigging using FreeStyle Rigging tool
test some poses to see if it is ok with KineFlex tool
What should I do next to make sure the body parts moving along the arc?

It is not a good idea to keep Layer Parenting on when using SMR

If so, what "SMRize Parented" acttualy do? Should I turn Layer Parenting on by pressing ";" and then SMRize Parented them? What should I do after that?

SMRize Parented automates the upgrade from a Layer Parenting rig to a Smart Magnet Rig ™


Ok I dont know what that means, I just want to do tweening but the arms and legs are not moving along the arc.
I saw the video in "SMR and Layer Parenting" article. So the solution for "body parts moving along the arc" is using frame-block PL (Alt + ;) or FK clean up (frame-by-frame animation)?

SMRize Parented provides an easy escape route for people who have started their project with Parented Layers and now want to move to SMR.


Layer Parenting Toggle lets users switch Layer Parenting on and off.


You can learn what each tool does by reading its help article: https://flash-powertools.com/category/commands/


To learn about the SMR system, get familiar with all its documentation: https://flash-powertools.com/smart-magnet-rigs-where-to-start/


Arcs are discussed here: https://flash-powertools.com/classic-tweens-and-arcs/

Just keep in mind that Layer Parenting is buggy and it is best to not have it ON while working. Only enable it once you've finished animating.


And finally, I will repeat this advice:
Keep your keyframes aligned and think of those as full-body poses. Don't offset keys.

I know how to do fix tweening now. Thank you very much.

I hope there is no error with layer parenting in the future version of Adobe Animate.

happy Great!


Good luck with your projects!
