What's new in EDAP Tools v.3.5

Electric Dog Flanimate Power Tools v.3.5.0 is a major stable release.

Change log

1. Structural changes:

  • EDAP Tools have been officially renamed to Electric Dog Flanimate Power Tools

2. New commands:

  • Stagger Tween – Creates a zigzag 'stagger' custom ease graph between two keys in a Classic tween.
  • Find And Replace Strokes – Allows users to target and modify specific stroke properties across the whole Document.

3. Added features:

  • Smart Magnet Rig panel now allows rigs to be renamed.
  • Smart Magnet Rig repair tools have been added to Smart Magnet Rig panel:
    – Analyze Rig – analyze and report potential problems in a Smart Magnet Rig
    – Edit Magnet Targets – manually review and edit metadata in MTs
    – Roll Over Rig Info – transfer metadata 'externally' over frames that lack or have incorrect metadata

4. Many important bug fixes

It is highly recommended that all users upgrade to take advantage of the latest changes.

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