All posts tagged Free Download

SMR Giskard is a 5th generation advanced 360° Smart Magnet Rig, designed to demonstrate Visibility Switch architecture in the era of TransPoser.

The build features a 360°, 48 frame turnaround, REF symbols for both head and full body positions, mouth and eye presets, a hard welded duplicate set of limb elements, controlled by Visibility Switches, illustrating a modern hybrid approach to Smart Magnet Rigging, aided by TransPoser. Read more
Mademoiselle D'Edaptoix is an organic-looking character, with functional joints, based on overlapping circles.

A fully functional Smart Magnet Rig (TM), Mademoiselle D'Edaptoix is suitable for testing SMR FK and SMR IK with KineFlex, Element Welder, Smart Transform, Smart Magnet Joint, Clean Up, Smart Graphic Control and all other features and tools in the EDAPT package. Read more

EDAPT Rabbit is an organic-looking character, with functional joints, based on overlapping circles.

A fully functional Smart Magnet Rig ™, EDAPT Rabbit is suitable for testing KineFlex, Smart Transform, Smart Magnet Joint, Clean Up, Smart Graphic Control and all other features and tools in the EDAPT package. Read more
SMR MagneBot rig features a full turnaround, multiple color palettes, hand gestures, facial expressions and so on, nested inside containers and set up to illustrate both the traditional approach to Flash builds and Smart Magnet Rigging.

SMR MagneBot is a fully functional Smart Magnet Rig ™, suitable for testing all features and tools in the EDAP Tools package. Read more
Using Keyframes and Clas­sic Tweens makes re-timing easy. Slid­ing the keys to the left or right results in hav­ing more or fewer in-betweens and there­fore slower or faster movement.

A typ­i­cal prob­lem for time­line based appli­ca­tions is that the lin­ear rep­re­sen­ta­tion requires to tem­porar­ily have a dupli­cate keyframe. For exam­ple if we would like to have an object move from point A to point B to point C and then back to A with 3 in-betweens between the keys, the cycle will look like this: Read more