Allows customization of some settings and managing the number of active EDAPT Commands.
EDAP Tools can be uninstalled from EDAPT Control Panel.
Convert To Keyframe Advanced
Five self-explanatory settings to activate or deactivate for the X and Alt+X commands.
Text input field allowing customization of the string that protects layer(s) from keys being created in them.
Create And Manage IK Objects
Choose settings for the newly created Effectors and Braces. Size, opacity and color can be set, using the intuitive controls.
Create Magnet Target Or Center Marker
Visibility upon creation can be set for the two types of automatically generated SMR objects. Default for Center Marker is visible.
Visibility of layers does not affect functionality. CMs and MTs are only visible in Outline Mode because they are fully transparent objects.
Create TransPoser Objects
Choose size and color for the newly created Transformers.
Checkbox to disable Transformers snapping back to their position after the end of transformation.
Enter Or Punch Current Frame
Text input field allowing customization of the string that protects layer(s) from being punched.
Checkbox to enable or disable the linear representation of IK Chains during IK transformation. (Animate only)
Checkbox allowing to enable or disable colorization (as a method of visual aid) of Active Chain(s) during transformation. Users can choose color and alpha.
Checkbox to disable 'jumping' to a keyframe if the clicked element does not have a key in the current frame.
Checkbox to disable snapping after the end of a Frame Scrub or Squash & Stretch operation.
Checkbox to disable synchronous transformations of hard welded elements.
Layer Outlines Or Guides Toggle
5 Light and 5 Dark colors can be chosen for the Layer Color outline mode commands.
Force Outline when setting the Layer Color triggers outline mode for the selected layer at the same time if checked.
Processing Strokes and Fills
Animate only. Checkbox which lets users include Tagged Colors (Swatches) in color swapping operations, performed by Symbol Palette Control panel, Find And Replace Fills and Find And Replace Strokes.
FreeStyle Rigging Tool
Users can customize the colors of bounding boxes for 'parent' and 'targets'. (Animate only)
Checkbox to disable entering the symbol after repositioning a Magnet Target.
Smart Graphic Control Panel
Checkbox which allows users to choose whether Thumbnails will be generated from a 'neutral' version of the container Symbol or while preserving the currently applied transformations to it in the currently selected key.
A button that allows to clear the Thumbnail Cache.
Smart Magnet Joint
Numerical value (pixels) for the radius in which Smart Magnet Joint will look for the nearest Magnet Target if the elements are not a part of a Smart Magnet Rig. Default value is 50.
Smart Transform
Numerical value for the Inverse Mode of Smart Transform, which defines where the upward selection will terminate.
Checkbox to disable switching to Free Transform tool after executing Smart Transform.
Move / Solve
Checkbox to disable IK chains snapping to parent at the end of Move / Solve operations.
Checkbox to disable the insertion of the information note upon REF and ANM creation.
Button to clear Thumbnail chache.

Default is 'unchecked'. Read more…

Red means that another plugin may be interfering with the work of EDAP Tools. Users need to be aware of this potential interference. If you notice unexpected and undesired EDAPT behavior, in order to identify the offending piece of software, the first step in the process of trouble-shooting should be to remove all other plugins. Then reintroduce them one by one, restarting Flash/Animate, checking the System Events Manager status and testing for when the symptoms reappear.
Please note: A red indicator does not necessarily mean that there is a problem, but rather that there is potential for such a problem due to the shared memory space and certain methods used by 3rd party software developers, which may interfere with the work of EDAP Tools. If EDAP Tools work without any issues, even if the indicator is red you don't need to do anything.
Display in Output Panel:
Drop-down allowing to choose a comfortable level of EDAPT messaging in the Output panel. Default for new users is “Errors and Messages”. When one is familiar with EDAP Tools, “Errors Only” is the recommended setting.
Uninstall EDAPT
Pressing this button will start the process of uninstalling EDAP Tools. There must be no open documents as during the process the program will need to be closed by EDAPT Setup to finalize deinstallation.
Manage Commands…
Pressing the button opens a dialog which allows the users to remove or bring back previously removed EDAPT commands from the Commands menu.
Flash / Animate must be restarted after commands are removed or added for changes to take effect.
Animate CC only: If EDAPT Shortcuts for the newly shown commands are missing, restore them from EDAPT Control Panel > Miscellaneous > Restore EDAPT Shortcuts
EDAP Tools shortcut
Quick access to the last used EDAPT command settings is available via Quick Settings F12
Known Issues
Animate CC 2017 and newer on Windows: If user opens the KineFlex or Layer Color Settings dialogs from EDAPT Control Panel and clicks on a color chip to change certain colors and in this color chip dialog clicks on the color wheel at the top-right to pop the system color picker, it opens behind the dialogs. It is not visible and impossible to bring in focus, which results in a lockdown situation.
This is a problem caused by Animate and not EDAP Tools.
To avoid having to kill the program, users can either move EDAPT Control Panel to the side after opening it, before calling the system picker or use the Quick Settings F12 dialog for each of the commands which does not display this issue.
Video demonstration
All our videos are 1080p. If for some reason full HD is not available here, try watching them on YouTube.