KineFox – a SMR organic character rig (free download)

Last rig update: Aug 2021 – added IK Controllers

KineFox is an organic-looking character, with functional joints, based on overlapping circles.
A fully functional Smart Magnet Rig ™, KineFox is suitable for testing KineFlex, Smart Transform, Smart Magnet Joint, Clean Up, Smart Graphic Control, Symbol Palette Control and all other features and tools in the EDAPT package.

Download KineFox SMR Rig from the Downloads page

The file is Macromedia Flash 8 compatible and can be used in any version of Flash and Animate newer than Flash 8.
KineFox is licensed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA.

It can be used for any personal non-commercial work and purposes, school and university projects, animation tests and to learn how to create your own Smart Magnet Rigs.
Using it for commercial (for profit) projects and selling it is strictly prohibited.

Here is a jazzy double-bounce walk cycle we made to test the rig and make sure joints worked as expected:

Our audience and users are invited to send us animations of KineFox which they have done themselves. We will publish them on our Youtube channel and in the Made with EDAP Tools section on this site to give the authors additional exposure.

Below is a video that shows what's in the KineFox box.

Download KineFox SMR Rig from the Downloads page

Where is EDAP Tools v.4.0? can't find it in the download section,

Hello Edson! Good to hear from you, mate!

V.4 is coming soon. We haven't locked a release date yet, but is very close. Keep an eye on our Facebook or the news section here. There will be a big announcement 🙂

Best regards!

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