Make Edaptable

This command is part of the Smart Magnet Rig workflow

Smart Magnet Rigs are built around the use of the permanent Registration Points for all calculations and transformations.
Tweens use the more temporary Transformation Point as pivot of transformations.

For Smart Magnet Rigs to properly animate, Transformation Points should always match the Registration Points of rig elements.

Proper registration of elements at joints (as described in detail in this article) is the only strict requirement for a bunch of Symbols to be converted into a Smart Magnet Rig.

Option 1 – Re-registration

If you are new to Smart Magnet Rigs and your Symbols were created with center or top-left registration, while at the same time the Transformation Points of Symbol Instances on Stage are placed correctly at joints, re-registering the Symbols, based on the desired position of the Transformation Points can be automated. This will make them fully edaptable and they can be converted into a Smart Magnet Rig.

To do so, just select all intended Symbol Instances on Stage.
Then press Make Edaptable button in the SMR Helpers panel.

In the dialog that pops out, leave the first option selected and press the OK button.

All selected Symbol Instances will be re-registered in accordance with the positions of their Transformation Points.

Note: If there are instances of the same Symbol with very different positions of their Transformation Points, you will be asked to review them manually.
Choose one Symbol Instance at a time and run Make Edaptable again. All other instances of the same symbol will be re-registered, based on the position of the Transformation Point of your selection.

Option 2 – Resetting of Transformation Points

If you are experienced with Smart Magnet Rigs and your Symbols are properly registered, but the FreeStyle Rigging Tool has detected Registration and Transformation Point mismatch, you can automatically reset the Transformation Points over the R‑points so that you can continue with the rigging process.

To do so, just select all intended Symbol Instances on Stage.
Then press Make Edaptable button in the SMR Helpers panel.

In the dialog that pops out, choose the second option and press the OK button.

All Transformation Points will snap back over their corresponding Registration Points. Now you can continue rigging.

Known Issues

Zero Transform (Symbol Re-registration) can only work in a container which has not been rotated, skewed or flipped.
To successfully complete the re-registration operations, exit your container, right-click on it and choose "Edit", "Edit Selected" or "Edit in New Window". This will open the content for editing without the external transformations.

Video demonstration

All our videos are 1080p. If for some reason full HD is not available here, try watching them on YouTube.

This command is part of the Flanimate Power Tools package. Get the latest version from Downloads.

Hi. Is there a way to assign a hotkey to Make Adaptable?

When I equipped all the Smart Magnet Rigs for a character, but after I worked on the animation for a while, some parts of their bodies would quietly shift positions. By the time I noticed, some accessories, such as the face and hair, had moved far from their original positions. Have you encountered the same problem? Or did I have operational issues in some steps? Is there a solution?

Are you using Layer Parenting and keeping it ON while animating with the Smart Magnet Rig tools?

If so, this is the likely cause. Keep Layer Parenting OFF at all times until the very end as it is full of bugs and can cause all kinds of problems.
You can read more here:

We are unaware of any other reason why elements might drift.

In any case, the solution is to use Smart Magnet Joint and snap your elements back to re-assemble your character:

Thank you so much for all this! I've been using Flash / Animate CC since I was Grade 3, and never learned about registration points until today (am currently 24). Fixing all my template characters with the SMR Helpers right now 

(Did not realize SMR Helpers was a separate extensions window I needed to open at first, so I was confused for a while – Leaving this comment here for other newbies who might come across this)

You're most welcome, bboz!
Thanks for leaving a comment!

Yes, this project is now almost 15 years old and with many interconnected tools, so there is a learning curve.

Good luck with your projects!

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