Smart Transform (SMR)


Smart Transform only works when rigs have been built using Magnet Targets (MT) and hierarchies have been established via Smart Magnet Rig panel.
Smart Transform allows chain selection of elements for transformation based on forward or inverse model.
In forward mode 1(for­ward) it always places the Transformation point of the selected group of objects in the Reg point of the highest ranking parent.
In alternative inverse mode Alt+1(alternative) it places the Transformation point in the lowest ranking CM of the chain allowing for easy inverse posing.

The following typical scenarios are available:

  1. Forward, one element – down the chain. When one element is selected on Stage, upon execution 1(for­ward) all children of the selected element are added to the selection while the Transform point of the group is moved to match the Reg point of the initially selected parent.
    Example: Selection starts with upper arm, upon press of 1(for­ward) it extends to lower arm and hand, while Transform point is placed at shoulder joint. See illustration 1 below.
  2. Forward, multiple elements. If more than one elements are selected, these need to belong to the same chain. Then 1(for­ward) Transformation point of the group is moved to match the Reg point of the highest ranking parent and no extra elements are added to the selection. See illustration 2 below.
  3. Inverse, multiple elements. When multiple elements are already selected as per 1. or 2. and Shift+1(inverse) is pressed the Transform point moves in the wrist which is the lightest point in the chain.
    Pressing 1(for­ward) again will move it in the shoulder. See illustration 3 below.
  4. Inverse – up the chain, limbs only. When one element is selected on Stage, upon execution Shift+1(inverse) all parents of the selected element are added to the selection while the Transform point of the group is moved to match the Reg point of the highest ranking parent.
    Example: Selection starts with hand. Press Shift+1(inverse) to extend to lower arm and upper arm, while Transform point is placed at shoulder joint. Second press of Shift+1(inverse) will move Transform point in the wrist.
    See illustration 4 below.
  5. Alternative inverse mode. When one element is selected and Alt+1(alternative) is pressed the selection goes up the chain and then down all other chains linked to the Master Parent, placing the Transform point into the lightest MT.
    Example: Select lower leg and press Alt+1(alternative). All elements except the foot are added to the selection and Transform point moves in the ankle so that the whole character can easily be pushed 'off-balance'.
    Watch the video below.

Transformers and RC Sliders
With a Transformer or RC Slider selected, the execution of Smart Transform 1(for­ward) will, if necessary, unlock the layers of the elements of its group, and will select those elements.

Suggested use

Extremely powerful tool for character posing. Quick hierarchical chain selection of Symbols.
When a limb rotation is necessary it is enough to point to one element only and press a button. Then you are ready to rotate.
As a preparation for a Smart Magnet Joint snapping or Clean Up.

Where does it work?

Stage, Selected Symbol(s)

EDAP Tools shortcut

1(for­ward) (forward); Shift+1(inverse) (inverse); Alt+1(alternative) (alternative inverse)


Command only works with Smart Magnet Rigs
Inverse Chain Threshold can be customized in EDAPT Control Panel or Quick Settings F12

Video demonstration

All our videos are 1080p. If for some reason full HD is not available here, try watching them on YouTube.

This command is part of the Flanimate Power Tools package. Get the latest version from Downloads.

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