Types of EDAPT Objects

EDAPT Objects. What are they?

Last update: Aug 2024

EDAPT Objects are automatically generated Symbols, which play different roles in the creation and control of Smart Magnet Rigs, facial rigs, TransPoser structures, and other hierarchical or non-hierarchical groups of objects. Each type of EDAPT Object resides on an automatically created Service Layer. The names of these layers must not be changed.

Most of the EDAPT Objects respond to being clicked or dragged with KineFlex. Some also perform specific functions in combination with various EDAPT commands.

There are eleven types of EDAPT Objects:

Look Type Layer name Created by Interacts with
Center Marker CenterMarker Create Magnet Target Or Center Marker Alt+`(tilda/~ key)
SMR Helpers 
FreeStyle Rigging Tool 
Smart Magnet Joint,
Clean Up
Magnet Target MagnetTargets Create Magnet Target Or Center Marker Shift+`(tilda/~ key)
SMR Helpers 
FreeStyle Rigging Tool 
Smart Magnet Joint,
Clean Up,
KineFlex (IK)
FK Extender FKExtender Create And Manage IK Objects Shift+F1(effector)
SMR Helpers 
SMR Effector SMR_Controllers Create And Manage IK Objects Shift+F1(effector)
SMR Helpers 
Smart Magnet Joint,
SMR Helpers,
Smart Layer Lock
SMR Brace SMR_Controllers Create And Manage IK Objects Shift+F1(effector)
SMR Helpers 
Smart Magnet Joint,
SMR Helpers
Move / Rotate Transformer Transformers Create TransPoser Objects Shift+F7
SMR Helpers 
Smart Transform,
Convert To Keyframe Advanced,
Smart Layer Lock
Horizontal Scale / Skew Transformer Transformers Create TransPoser Objects Shift+F7
SMR Helpers 
Smart Transform,
Convert To Keyframe Advanced,
Smart Layer Lock
Vertical Scale / Skew Transformer Transformers Create TransPoser Objects Shift+F7
SMR Helpers 
Smart Transform,
Convert To Keyframe Advanced,
Smart Layer Lock
T‑point T_point Create TransPoser Objects Shift+F7
SMR Helpers 
Hiding the layer disables the T‑point
Pose Anchor PoseAnchor Create TransPoser Objects Shift+F7
SMR Helpers 
Hiding the layer disables the Pose Anchor
RC Slider RC_Sliders Create And Manage RC Sliders Shift+F6
SMR Helpers 
Smart Transform,
Smart Layer Lock
Visibility Switch RC_Sliders Create And Manage RC Sliders Shift+F6
SMR Helpers 
Smart Transform,
Smart Layer Lock

Location of EDAPT Objects

All EDAPT Objects reside in a single Library Folder, called EDAPT objects.
Do not rename or move EDAPT objects folder.

Creation of EDAPT Objects

Since the EDAPT Objects are a crucial part of each Smart Magnet Rig and instrumental to the use of Forward and Inverse Kinematics, we are providing multiple ways of creating them.

The primary method would be calling the respective commands – Create Magnet Target Or Center Marker, Create And Manage IK Objects, Create TransPoser Objects and Create and Manage RC Sliders – via the EDAPT Shortcuts.

Alternatively, the same functionality is available as dedicated buttons in the SMR Helpers panel.

Center Marker (CM)

Center Markers can be created in one of four ways:

  • Pressing the dedicated button in SMR Helpers panel.
  • Using the EDAPT Shortcut Alt+`(tilda/~ key) or a user assigned shortcut involving Alt as modifier.
  • Holding down the Alt key while choosing Create Magnet Target Or Center Marker from the Commands menu.
  • Holding down the Alt key while clicking on the Create Magnet Target Or Center Marker button in EDAPT Commands panel.

They are also automatically added by the FreeStyle Rigging tool.

Center Markers are fully transparent objects, which are only visible in Outline mode.
CenterMarker layers are blue and CMs look like a blue diamond with a small cross indicating its center.

Upon creation the Center Marker is automatically placed over the Registration point of the symbol and the CenterMarker layer is visible by default. This allows the location of the Registration point to be easily seen and also automatically detected from within other Symbols.

Center Markers assist the Smart Magnet Rigging process. Their location is detected by Smart Magnet Joint during the manual placement of Magnet Targets.

After the rig is complete they are no longer explicitly necessary, but can still be useful as visual aid, so good practice would suggest to keep them.
Center Markers do not carry any SMR info (metadata).

Visibility upon export
Center Markers are fully-transparent and are always invisible when animation is exported to SWF, video, GIF, PNG sequence or Html5/Canvas.

Magnet Target (MT)

Magnet Targets can be created in one of four ways:

They are also automatically added by the FreeStyle Rigging tool.

Magnet Targets are fully transparent objects, which are only visible in Outline mode.
MagnetTargets layers are red and MTs look like a red circle with a small cross indicating its center.

Upon creation the Magnet Target is placed at the center of view. It should then be positioned to match the Center Marker (i.e. the Registration point) of a child Symbol.
This is done by moving the MT with the Transform or Free Transform tools in close proximity to a Center Marker and pressing `(tilda/~ key to the left of 1/! and below Esc). Smart Magnet Joint (SMJ) will take care of the rest and position the MT exactly over the CM in the other Symbol.

MagnetTargets layer is guided by default to reduce visual clutter at joints, but can be unguided and made visible if the user prefers so. Defaults can be set in the command's preferences in EDAPT Control Panel or Quick Settings F12.

Magnet Targets are an important element of the Smart Magnet Rig system. They indicate the active magnetic points of joints.
During the process of SM Rigging, Magnet Targets are tagged with SMR info.
This SMR info is then processed by Smart Magnet Joint, Clean Up and KineFlex while creating IK chains.

Magnet Targets can be copied from frame to frame. They can also be tweened. If necessary multiple MagnetTargets layers can be present so that there is only one MT per layer and Classic tweening is possible.
As of v.7 the MT symbol is called MagnetTargets. This is done to make distributing of MTs to layers easier as manual renaming of the layers is not necessary.

The SMR info (metadata) in MTs can be inspected and manually edited if necessary, by using Edit Magnet Targets from the drop-down menu in Smart Magnet Rig panel or the dedicated button in SMR Helpers.

Visibility upon export
Magnet Targets are fully-transparent and are always invisible when animation is exported to SWF, video, GIF, PNG sequence or Html5/Canvas.

FK Extender (Extender)*

FK Extenders can be created in one of four ways:

  • Pressing the dedicated button in SMR Helpers panel.
  • Using the EDAPT Shortcut Shift+F1(effector) or a user assigned shortcut involving Shift modifiers.
  • Holding down the Shift keys while choosing Create And Manage IK Objects from the Commands menu.
  • Holding down Shift while clicking on the Create And Manage IK Objects button in EDAPT Commands panel.

*Please note: FK Extender is only available in EDAP Tools Premium.

FK Extenders appear as a light blue circle.
FKExtender layers should only be unlocked while adjusting the position and size of the Extender and kept locked at all other times.

Upon creation the Extender is placed some distance away from the Reg point of the symbol. FKExtender layer is automatically locked. Leaving it unlocked can interfere with the work of the FreeStyle Rigging tool.

FK Extender is used as a convenient extension handle in all cases when an element is too short to be comfortably manipulated by KineFlex.

As shown in the illustration FK Extender is placed inside the neck symbol, which allows it to be controlled much more precisely and comfortably with KineFlex.

Visibility upon export
FK Extenders will not be visible while publishing SWF previews or exporting video in Animate, but will show up on GIF, PNG sequence in AS3 or Html5/Canvas documents. Before exporting to any of these formats, double-click the FK Extender Library item in Library > EDAPT objects and guide the layer. All Extenders will disappear. If you unguide the layer later they will reappear in their places. In Flash CS if the document type is AS2 they do not export.

Note: FK Extender will not be visible if Control > Enable Simple Buttons is checked for the current document.

SMR Effector (Effector, IK Effector)*

SMR Effectors can be created in one of four ways:

  • Pressing the dedicated button in SMR Helpers panel.
  • Using the EDAPT Shortcut Shift+F1(effector) or a user assigned shortcut involving Shift as modifier.
  • Holding down the Shift key while choosing Create And Manage IK Objects from the Commands menu.
  • Holding down the Shift key while clicking on the Create And Manage IK Objects button in EDAPT Commands panel.

*Please note: SMR Effectors are only available in EDAP Tools Premium.

Attached SMR Effectors are black circles with a clockwise or counter-clockwise arrow indicating direction. Detached SMR Effectors are black circles.

Upon creation Effectors are placed on a guided layer called SMR_Controllers. This layer should not be renamed. Users can manually create more SMR_Controllers layers if they want to organize their Controllers into groups for convenience.

SMR Effectors are used as handles to manipulate IK chains via SMR KineFlex.
To function they should always reside on a service layer called SMR_Controllers.

Detached Effectors can be attached to suitable elements of a Smart Magnet Rig by Shift-dragging and dropping them over the element. Upon release the Effector will snap into position over the element's Magnet Target. Upon attaching the Effector will detect the angle between the elements and automatically assign this as its Max joint range constraint value (v.6.6+). (When multiple MTs are present one of them needs to be isolated on a separate (top) MagnetTargets layer. Read below.**)
Attached Effectors can be detached by Shift-dragging them away from their controlled element.

Attached Effectors can be flipped horizontally to change their direction.
They also have two different states – RIK Active and RIK Inactive. Switching between the two can be done by Alt-Shift-clicking on an Effector with KineFlex or by using the dedicated button in SMR Helpers panel.

Attached Effectors contain metadata. They know the IK chain they belong to and may also hold information about IK joint range constraints. Effector Properties dialog can be called by pressing Alt+G(effector properties) or via the dedicated button in SMR Helpers panel.

SMR Effectors can be snapped to their controlled elements at any time either by pressing `(tilda/~ key to the left of 1/! and below Esc) when there is nothing selected or when only Effectors are selected. They will also snap back when SMR_Controllers layer is set to visible F1(visibility). This can also be achieved via the dedicated button in SMR Helpers panel.

Default size, color and opacity of SMR Controllers can be set in the Create And Manage IK Objects preferences in EDAPT Control Panel or Quick Settings F12.

Additional interactions
Several commands will produce specific outcomes when triggered with an IK Effector as the initial selection.

With one or more IK Effectors selected, executing Smart Layer Lock Shift+F3(unlock down the SMR chains) will unlock the corresponding IK Chains.
With one or more IK Effectors selected, executing Smart Layer Lock Ctrl+F3(lock down the SMR chains) will lock the corresponding IK Chains.

With one or more IK Effectors selected, executing Clean Up Alt+Q or pressing the IK Clean Up button will result in an IK Clean Up operation for the corresponding IK Chains.

With one IK Effector selected, executing Smart Magnet Joint Ctrl+`(inverse) will snap the whole rig to the Effector.

With one IK Effector selected, executing Move / Solve by pressing will move the whole rig to the Effector.

Visibility upon export
SMR Effectors are always placed on guided layers which do not export to SWF, video, GIF, PNG sequence or Html5/Canvas.

**Attaching a SMR Effector to an element which has more than one Magnet Target inside

When an element has multiple MTs inside, the user has to specify one which will become the Primary MT for SMR IK interactions, i.e. the MT to which the Effector will attach and snap.
To do so this Magnet Target has to be isolated from the rest on a separate MagnetTargets layer above the existing MagnetTargets layer(s) that hold all other MTs.

When you Shift-drop a SMR Effector over an element that has more than one MT inside, you will be automatically taken inside the symbol to specify which will be the Primary MT for IK purposes.

A blank new MagnetTargets layer will be created above the existing one(s).
All you need to do is choose which will be your Primary MT, select it, Cut it and Paste it In Place on the new MagnetTargets layer.

Then exit the Symbol and Shift-drop the Effector over it. This time it will snap over the Primary Magnet Target. 

Video demonstration – Defining Primary Magnet Target

SMR Brace (Brace, IK Brace)*

SMR Braces can be created in one of four ways:

  • Pressing the dedicated button in SMR Helpers panel.
  • Using the EDAPT Shortcut Shift+F1(effector) or a user assigned shortcut involving Shift as modifier.
  • Holding down the Shift key while choosing Create And Manage IK Objects from the Commands menu.
  • Holding down the Shift key while clicking on the Create And Manage IK Objects button in EDAPT Commands panel.

*Please note: SMR Braces are only available in EDAP Tools Premium.

SMR Braces are black X‑shaped controllers with four handles at the ends of the diagonal lines and 3 dots – actually a button – in the south quadrant.
When a Brace has at least one SMR Effector linked to it the upper-right handle becomes a circle.

Upon creation Braces are placed on a guided layer called SMR_Controllers. This layer should not be renamed. Users can manually create more SMR_Controllers layers if they want to organize their Controllers into groups for convenience.

Default size, color and opacity of SMR Controllers can be set in the Create And Manage IK Objects preferences in EDAPT Control Panel or Quick Settings F12.

SMR Braces serve as higher-level controllers to move or rotate multiple SMR Effectors simultaneously.

To link Effectors to a Brace, select the Effectors on the Stage and click on Brace's [ ··· ] button with KineFlex. In the dialog box that pops up choose Link.
To unlink Effectors, select one or more Effectors which belong to a Brace group on the Stage, click on the [ ··· ] button with KineFlex, and in the dialog choose Unlink.

To move a Brace with all its linked Effectors drag one of its diamond-shaped handles with KineFlex.
To rotate a Brace with all its linked Effectors use the circular handle.

Visibility upon export
SMR Braces are always placed on guided layers which do not export to SWF, video, GIF, PNG sequence or Html5/Canvas.

Transformers (Move, Scale H, Scale V)*

Transformers can be created in one of four ways:

  • Pressing one of the dedicated buttons in SMR Helpers panel.
  • Using the EDAPT Shortcut Shift+F7 or a user assigned shortcut involving Shift as modifier.
  • Holding down the Shift key while choosing Create TransPoser Objects from the Commands menu.
  • Holding down the Shift key while clicking on the Create TransPoser Objects button in EDAPT Commands panel.

*Please note: Transformers are only available in EDAP Tools Premium.

There are 3 types of Transformers:

  • Move / Rotate Transformer – pink square with a 4‑way arrow inside
  • Horizontal Scale / Skew Transformer – blue horizontal ellipse with a horizontal 2‑way arrow inside
  • Vertical Scale / Skew Transformer – blue vertical ellipse with a vertical 2‑way arrow inside

Transformers have a small [ ··· ] button below the main shape.

Upon creation Transformers are placed on a guided layer called Transformers. This layer should not be renamed. Users can manually create more Transformers layers if they want to organize their Transformers into groups for convenience.

Default size and color of Transformers can be set in the Create TransPoser Objects preferences in EDAPT Control Panel or Quick Settings F12.

Transformers serve as controllers of non-hierarchical groups of elements on the Stage.
An element can belong to multiple Transformer Groups, thus allowing the creation of logical structures, which facilitate the use of parallactic displacement and perspective foreshortening to achieve 2.5D effect with digital cutouts.

Transformers are operated by dragging them with KineFlex. Alt and Shift modifier keys alter their behavior.
Transformers can manipulate elements placed on locked layers, which is especially convenient when using masks.

Clicking on the [ ··· ] button invokes a dialog, which allows to add to or remove elements from the Transformer Group.

Transformer Group's center of transformation can be customized by adding a T‑point object inside one of the Group's elements.

By default Transformers snap back to their original position when the KineFlex transformation ends.
Users can enter the Transformer symbols and add text to name them. They can also be tinted on the outside or scaled with the Q‑tool for easier visual identification and convenience.

In a horizontally flipped container the text can be restored to a readable state by pressing the Straighten Controllers button in SMR Helpers panel.

Move / Rotate Transformer

Dragging (no modifier) will result in the group following the movements of the cursor.
Shift-dragging will restrain the movement to the horizontal or vertical axis in the current container's coordinate system.
Alt-dragging will rotate the group, using the T‑point in the top-most symbol as a center of rotation. If a T‑point is not present, the center of the group's bounding box will be used instead.

Scale / Skew Transformers

Dragging (no modifier) will result in the group being scaled horizontally or vertically, depending on the transformer's sub-type, using the T‑point in the top-most symbol as a center of transformation. If a T‑point is not present, the center of the group's bounding box will be used instead.
Shift-dragging and Alt-dragging will skew the group, using the T‑point in the top-most symbol as a center of transformation. If a T‑point is not present, the center of the group's bounding box will be used instead.

Additional interactions
Several commands will produce specific outcomes when triggered with a Transformer as the initial selection.

With one Transformer selected, executing Smart Transform 1(for­ward) will unlock the group's layers, select the elements and place the Transformation point over the T‑point.

With one Transformer selected, executing Smart Layer Lock Shift+F3(unlock down the SMR chains) will unlock the group's layers.
With one Transformer selected, executing Smart Layer Lock Ctrl+F3(lock down the SMR chains) will lock the group's layers.

With one Transformer selected, executing Convert To Keyframe Advanced X will create keyframes for the group's elements.

Visibility upon export
Transformers are always placed on guided layers which do not export to SWF, video, GIF, PNG sequence or Html5/Canvas.


T‑points can be created in one of four ways:

  • Pressing the dedicated button in SMR Helpers panel.
  • Using the EDAPT Shortcut Shift+F7 or a user assigned shortcut involving Shift as modifier.
  • Holding down the Shift key while choosing Create TransPoser Objects from the Commands menu.
  • Holding down the Shift key while clicking on the Create TransPoser Objects button in EDAPT Commands panel.

*Please note: T‑points are only available in EDAP Tools Premium.

T‑point is a small black circle with four short orthogonal lines coming out of it.

Upon creation it is placed on a guided layer called T_point.
Hiding the T_point layer disables the T‑point.
There can be multiple T_point layers in a timeline; only the topmost visible T_point layer will affect transformations.

T‑points are placed inside symbols and serve as a user-defined group Transformation point for Transformer and RC Slider Groups.

The presence of a T‑point inside certain symbols is a necessary prerequisite for the functioning of Pose Anchors during TransPose operations.

Hiding the T_point layer will disable the T‑point. In this way users can have multiple T‑points on separate layers in a symbol and easily switch between them.

Visibility upon export
T‑points are always placed on guided layers which do not export to SWF, video, GIF, PNG sequence or Html5/Canvas.

Pose Anchor*

Pose Anchors can be created in one of four ways:

  • Pressing the dedicated button in SMR Helpers panel.
  • Using the EDAPT Shortcut Shift+F7 or a user assigned shortcut involving Shift as modifier.
  • Holding down the Shift key while choosing Create TransPoser Objects from the Commands menu.
  • Holding down the Shift key while clicking on the Create TransPoser Objects button in EDAPT Commands panel.

*Please note: Pose Anchors are only available in EDAP Tools Premium.

Pose Anchor is a red target-like looking object with three concentric circles and crosshairs pointing toward the center.

Upon creation it is placed on a guided layer called PoseAnchor.
Hiding the PoseAnchor layer disables the Pose Anchor.
There can be only one Pose Anchor in a timeline.

Default size and color of Pose Anchor can be set in the Create TransPoser Objects preferences in EDAPT Control Panel or Quick Settings F12.

Pose Anchors work in TransPoser Animation Symbols (ANM) and serve as pins around which a pose is built during a TransPose operation.

Pose Anchor is external to the pose and has to be snapped over an existing T‑point, which is placed inside one of the symbols. Only when snapped over a T‑point the Pose Anchor becomes an active TransPoser pin.
Snapping is accomplished via Smart Magnet Joint `(tilda/~ key to the left of 1/! and below Esc), when in proximity to the T‑point.

Pose Anchor can also be used to pin a specific T‑point in a Transformer or RC Slider groups and override the typical layer stack order, where the top-most T‑point serves as a transformation point for the group.

Visibility upon export
Pose Anchors are always placed on guided layers which do not export to SWF, video, GIF, PNG sequence or Html5/Canvas.

RC Sliders (Sliders)

RC Sliders can be created in one of four ways:

  • Pressing the dedicated button in SMR Helpers panel.
  • Using the EDAPT Shortcut Shift+F6 or a user assigned shortcut involving Shift as modifier.
  • Holding down the Shift key while choosing Create And Manage RC Sliders from the Commands menu.
  • Holding down the Shift key while clicking on the Create And Manage RC Sliders button in EDAPT Commands panel.

RC Sliders are composite EDAPT Objects consisting of a horizontal or vertical rail and a circular or diamond-shaped handle.

There are two general categories of sliders:

  • Attached, identified by its diamond-shaped handle
  • Unattached, identified by its circular handle (only available in Flash)

Attached sliders have two buttons, one on each side:
[ ··· ] invokes the Add/Remove instances and Slider Settings dialog
 ] calls Convert To Keyframe Advanced for the Slider Group

Attached Sliders require each controlled instance to be placed on its own layer, and identify those instances via metadata, therefore after the initial tagging they can operate without the need of a selection, even when the controlled layers are locked.

Unattached Sliders require a stage selection, but they can control multiple symbol instances on the same layer.

RC Sliders are EDAPT Objects, which can transform various properties of multiple symbol instances simultaneously and independently, without treating them as a selection group.

The slider is operated by dragging its handle with KineFlex.

All sliders, except the Visibility Switch, have Primary and Secondary actions. Unless restricted via the specific slider's settings, the Secondary action is invoked by Alt-dragging the slider's handle with KineFlex.

Below is a list of the available types of sliders.
The ones marked with asterisk* are only available in EDAPT Premium.

Change First Frame / Symbol Swap
Move Horizontally
Move Vertically
Scale Horizontally / Scale Vertically*
Scale Vertically / Scale Horizontally*
Scale Uniform / Squash & Stretch*
Squash & Stretch / Scale Uniform*
Visibility Switch (only in the Attached category) 

Upon creation or later via Slider Settings [ ··· ] users can restrict each slider to perform only its Primary or Secondary action. 

Sliders can be horizontal or vertical and users can choose between several different sizes. They can also choose their color or tint the slider instance externally.

Users can label sliders for easy recognition by entering the slider symbol and adding text or graphics to the your stuff layer inside.

Defining a Frame Range
In order to exclude a portion of the timeline from the Change First Frame slider loop, a custom Frame Range can be defined via the Create Frame Range command.

In a horizontally flipped container the text label can be restored to a readable state by pressing the Straighten Controllers button in SMR Helpers panel.

When called without a modifier F6(visibility) Create And Manage RC Sliders toggles off or on the visibility of the RC_Sliders layer. Upon re-showing the sliders, if it is necessary, their size and geometry will be adjusted to match the current view.

The position of the slider can be adjusted by simply moving it with the Selection or the Free Transform tools.

KineFlex interactions
No modifier (when not customized via Settings): Dragging the handle without holding down any modifier keys on the keyboard will produce the slider's primary action. Each instance will be transformed around its own Transformation Point. (See the table below.)

Alt-down (when not customized via Settings): Holding down Alt and dragging the handle will produce the slider's secondary action. 

Shift-down (when not customized via Settings): Holding down Shift and dragging the handle will switch the pivot of transformation to either group's center or the top-most T‑point for both the primary and the secondary actions.

Alt+Shift-down will combine the two modifiers.

No modifier – primary action Alt-down – secondary action Shift-down – unified pivot
Change First Frame Symbol Swap (Next/Prev in Library) Only show frames with labels
Move Horizontally Taking flipped state into account Using the group's center or T‑point
Move Vertically Taking flipped state into account Using the group's center or T‑point
Rotate Taking flipped state into account Using the group's center or T‑point
Scale Horizontally Scale Vertically Using the group's center or T‑point
Scale Vertically Scale Horizontally Using the group's center or T‑point
Scale Uniform Squash & Stretch Using the group's center or T‑point
Squash & Stretch Scale Uniform Using the group's center or T‑point
Visibility Switch n/a n/a

Click on the [ ··· ] button with KineFlex: This will invoke the Slider Settings dialog, which allows the user to add or remove controlled instances, and to alter slider's default behavior by explicitly choosing only Primary or Secondary action.

Click on the  ] button with KineFlex: This will create keyframes, even in the middle of a tween, for all elements that belong to the slider's group.

Visibility Switch
Visibility Switch is a special type of slider.
Its purpose is to make the controlled elements virtually invisible by swapping them with a transparent Proxy Object.

Visibility Switches do not have secondary action or settings.
Instead of that the Slider Settings dialog provides a button for Realignment of the controlled Duplicates with their parents.
This function can also be invoked by Alt+Shift-clicking on the Switch with KineFlex.

Additional interactions
Several commands will produce specific outcomes when triggered with an RC Slider as the initial selection.

With one Slider selected, executing Smart Transform 1(for­ward) will unlock the group's layers, select the elements and place the Transformation point over the T‑point.

With one Slider selected, executing Smart Layer Lock Shift+F3(unlock down the SMR chains) will unlock the group's layers.
With one Slider selected, executing Smart Layer Lock Ctrl+F3(lock down the SMR chains) will lock the group's layers.

Visibility upon export
RC Sliders are always placed on guided layers which do not export to SWF, video, GIF, PNG sequence or Html5/Canvas.

Known Issues

System Clipboard interference

A known issue with all versions of Flash and Animate is that data stored temporarily in the System Clipboard can be exposed to interference by other programs running at the same time as Flash/Animate. This can cause an error during EDAPT Object creation or insertion.

If on the background you are running OpenOffice, Oracle VM VirtualBox or Macromedia Director, the commands may fail to create or insert EDAPT Objects, resulting in an error message:

Another possible manifestation of the Clipboard issue:

If you see any of the above messages while in the process of creating a Magnet Target, Center Marker, FK Extender, SMR Effector or SMR Brace, or while using the FreeStyle Rigging tool or changing the Master Parent, you need to take some steps to prevent Clipboard interruptions.

You have the following options:

  1. Press OK when you see the first warning dialog. It will switch on EDAPT Objects Compatibility mode, explained below.
  2. Switch on EDAPT Objects Compatibility mode from EDAPT Control Panel > Miscellaneous Alt+0

    Note that compatibility mode will most likely be Clipboard error proof, but will also remove some flexibility from EDAPT Object creation, for example, MTs and Controllers in Compatibility mode will be placed near the Registration Point and not in the center of the visible area, which can be disorientating.

  3. Determine by trial and error which program* that you run in the background interferes with your System Clipboard and keep it closed while rigging. If you see an error message, it is usually enough to just close the interfering software and you would be able to continue rigging without restarting Flash/Animate.
    Only in very rare occasions the creation or insertion of an EDAPT Object can be so badly broken that you will need to restart Flash/Animate.

*This is a list of the programs which we have identified as interfering with the System Clipboard:

  • OpenOffice
  • Oracle VM VirtualBox
  • Macromedia Director

Avoid having them open in the background while you are rigging and actively creating EDAPT Objects.

The list is most likely incomplete.

If you identify another piece of software causing the same problems, please, post in the comments below or let us know via email.


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