In v.2 and 2.5 of EDAP Tools we've had a few multifunction commands, but they were the exception rather than the norm. Practice has shown that this is a good flexible solution to delivering richer functionality in a smaller footprint. Read more
In v.2 and 2.5 of EDAP Tools we've had a few multifunction commands, but they were the exception rather than the norm. Practice has shown that this is a good flexible solution to delivering richer functionality in a smaller footprint. Read more
Below is a list of undocumented (at the time of posting) bugs and quirks found in various versions of Flash. We shall keep updating this article when we come across more peculiarities. JSFL performance in AS2 vs. AS3 documents (Flash CS3 Read more
One of the many wonderful visual aspects of the Golden Age cartoons is the use of dry brush. Instead of dry brush smear computers gave us motion blur. In combination with sharp vector drawings it looks terrible. To get a similar Read more
A very useful and somehow little known feature of Flash is the option to 'clone' the stage and have as many instances of it as we need. This allows us to work inside a symbol and see how it affects the Read more
Symbols allow some elegant solutions to everyday problems. More and more people tend to do storyboarding digitally and, of course, there are professional programs targeting professional board artists. Here is a storyboard template I designed in Flash for everyone who Read more
While working on all kinds of Flash projects I've seen many different ways of masking the irises – some using a duplicate version of the eye whites symbol without the outlines or two copies of the same frames on two Read more