KineFlex is our revolutionary on-the-fly skeletal system, introduced for the first time in EDAPT v.4.0 in 2018.
KineFlex uses Smart Magnet Rig metadata to allow an animator-friendly implementation of Forward and Inverse Kinematics, with bones that exist only during the current transformation and do not impose any rigidity or structural changes to the Classic Tween approach.
Essentially it is an instantly generated skeleton which takes the current location and position of the elements as initial state (on MouseDown) and disappears after the end of the transformation (on MouseRelease).
An extremely powerful tool which allows precise quick posing, utilizing the available hierarchical structure of a Smart Magnet Rig.
As of EDAPT v.7 KineFlex has been universalized and is now capable of transforming a wider range of objects, outside of the specific constraints of SMR. This new approach drastically reduces the need to switch between KineFlex and the Free Transform or Transform tools, diminishes click-count and improves ergonomics.
KineFlex icon appears in the tools palette next to or below Free Transform (Q) tool.
In Animate 2020 and newer, click on the [ ··· ] at the bottom of the toolbar, find the tool's icon in the pool of tools and drag it to a desired location in toolbar. (Click for details…)
KineFlex can be chosen directly by clicking on its icon in the tools palette or by using KineFlex (SMR Tool) command – EDAPT shortcut G – which makes KineFlex the currently active tool.
There are several modes of operation, determined by the specifics of the clicked objects.
Non-rigged objects
These can be Symbols, Groups or Drawing Objects, but not raw vector shapes.
KineFlex can select, move and rotate non-rigged elements one at a time.
A click with KineFlex on a non-rigged object will select it.
Alt+dragging with KineFlex will rotate the object, using its Transformation Point as a pivot.
Shift+draggging with KineFlex will move the object.
RC Sliders
RC Sliders are operated by KineFlex.
The interactions are:
Dragging of the Thumb of the slider to the left or to the right.
Alt- or Shift-dragging the Thumb to access alternative behavior.
Click on the [ ··· ] button to the left of the slider's rail to add or remove elements to/from its group.
Click on the [ ] button to the right of the slider's rail to create keyframes for all elements of the slider's group.
Detailed information about RC Sliders is available here.
Transformer Controllers are operated by KineFlex.
The interactions are:
Dragging a Transformer.
Alt- or Shift-dragging the Transformer to access alternative behavior.
Click on the [ ··· ] button below the Transformer to add or remove elements to/from its group.
Detailed information about Transformers is available here.
Smart Magnet Rigs
KineFlex creates on-the-fly temporary bone chains according to a Forward or Inverse Kinematics model. These chains exist only during the posing operation, while the character retains all flexibility. Symbol and Layer structure, typical for the Classic Tween workflow remain unchanged.
Essentially, this is virtual Bones implemented well and animator friendly.
How to…
Modes of operation after choosing the KineFlex tool G
Forward Kinematics (FK)
- mousedrag: Soft FK rotation – rotates the clicked element while moving all its children relatively to its transformations, retaining children's directions unchanged.
- Alt+mousedrag: Hard FK rotation – rotates the clicked element and all its children keeping them 'firmly' attached to their relative positions
- Shift+mousedrag: Move chain – moves the clicked element and all its children
- Ctrl-down: Holding down [ Ctrl ] key while working with KineFlex will temporarily switch to Selection Tool (V‑tool).
Inverse Kinematics (IK) interactions with SMR Effectors
- mousedrag: IK transformation of the controlled IK Chain. Elements beyond the Effector move in Soft Rotation.
- Alt+mousedrag: IK transformation of the controlled IK Chain. Elements beyond the Effector move in Hard Rotation.
- Shift+mousedrag-and-drop: Attaching a Detached SMR Controller or detaching an Attached SMR Controller.
- Alt+Shift+click on an Attached SMR Effector: Switches the Effector state between RIK Active and RIK Inactive.
Inverse Kinematics (IK) interactions with SMR Braces
- mousedrag Brace's diamond handles will move the Brace and all linked Effectors.
- mousedrag Brace's circular handle (top-right) will rotate the Brace and all linked Effectors.
- click on Brace's [ ··· ] button will pop a dialog, which lets users link or unlink the selected Effectors.
Symbol Scrub (Set First Frame)
Alt+Shift+click, Alt+Shift+click-and-hold or Alt+Shift+click-and-drag on an element of a Smart Magnet Rig will scrub through the content of the symbol, allowing to quickly choose a desired First Frame. Extremely handy for interactive posing of hands, feet or other body parts.
The scrubbing direction is controlled by the location of the initial click: clicking to the right of bounding box's center will scrub the internal timeline to the right; clicking to the left of the bounding box's center will scrub the internal timeline to the left. Dragging further in the same direction, will increase the scrubbing speed.
In order to exclude a portion of the timeline from the Symbol Scrub loop, you can use the Create Frame Range command.
Squash & Stretch (Premium feature)
Alt+Shift+click-and-drag will interactively stretch or squash the clicked element of a Smart Magnet Rig.
Switch between Set First Frame and Squash & Stretch using the / toggle button in SMR Helpers panel.
Element Welder for KineFlex
Elements can be welded to their parent, using the Element Welder button in SMR Helpers panel. Pressing it welds the selected element of a Smart Magnet Rig to its parent. Welded elements move in Hard Rotation. Read more…
Suggested use
Posing; Advanced character animation
Where does it work?
Stage, Current frame – preexisting key(s)
EDAP Tools shortcut
Modifier keys: Alt+ (hard rotation); Shift+ (move); Alt+Shift-click on Effector (Switch RIK State); Alt+Shift-drag on SMR element (Frame scrub or Squash & Stretch)
You can open KineFlex Settings from Commands > EDAPT Control Panel > KineFlex or Quick Settings via the Shift+G shortcut
Colorize active chain(s) – allows to temporarily colorize the FK and IK chains for visual identification. Could be useful for trouble-shooting and while learning how to use SMR.
Rig Complexity (Animate only) – allows to fine-tune KineFlex's responsiveness/lag in Animate, based on the complexity of the Smart Magnet Rig. Complexity is a relative value and depends on the system's capabilities. On a slower computer a rig will be perceived as more complex and require a higher setting than the same rig on a newer, faster computer. Experimenting what produces the smoothest transformation on the specific user's system is the best approach.
Draw IK Chains (Animate only) – visualizes the active IK chains during a KineFlex transformation.
Jump to current Keyframe – when checked will move the playhead to the left key, if necessary.
Snap after Symbol Scrub / Squash & Stretch – will maintain relative position of all children after the end of a First Frame change or Squash & Stretch KineFlex operations.
Scrub / Squash & Stretch hard welded Symbols – will also change the First Frame or will Squash & Stretch any hard-welded children.
KineFlex can be disabled via the Commands > EDAPT Control Panel > Manage Commands – uncheck KineFlex checkbox
In Flash KineFlex is restricted to ActionScript 1 and 2 documents. Read more…
Error messages
Duplicated elements on layers:
"AAAA" – "BBBB".
Read how to resolve duplicate elements ID conflicts here…
Known issues
Plugin tool script error in method mouseUp: If you see this message in Output, that means that the JSFL engine has crashed KineFlex. You need to restart Flash / Animate to be able to continue using it.
Parented Layers: Shrinking and drifting of rigged elements after multiple KineFlex transformations when Layer Parenting Shell is on, due to a long-standing bug in Animate. Read more…
Video demonstrations
Note from the Admin:
A question about the Tilda key [ ~/` ] was moved here.