Interactive panel which allows users to create Thumbnails for each frame of the content of a Graphic Symbol and then to control the 'looping' setting and 'first frame' for a particular Symbol Instance, by clicking on the desired thumbnail. Properties such as Single Frame, Play Once and Loop can also be controlled simultaneously.
During the initial thumbnail creation, the panel assigns metadata to a symbol instance and later uses it to control it, which allows the users to automatically generate keyframes without the need to make a Timeline selection; to synchronize the instance with other instance(s) and to have all kinds of combinations where an object controls other synced object(s), but is also itself synced to other 'masters'.
Suggested use
Character animation – Lip syncing, hand gestures, turnarounds, blinks and other eye or facial expressions
Where does it work?
A single instance on Stage or a single keyframe on Timeline must be selected for the initial creation of Thumbnails. After that no selection is required. The panel works in the current frame in the current Timeline.
EDAP Tools shortcut
Click on a Thumbnail to set the first frame property of the controlled instance.
Buttons, Dropdowns
Panel Title – can be edited and renamed from the menu at the top-right corner (Thumbnail Settings…)
Menu with various selection options:
- Create New Panel – creates another panel which can be open simultaneously to control a different instance
- Delete this Panel – deletes the current panel, if there are more than one
- Delete Timeline Thumbnails… – deletes all thumbnails associated with the current Timeline
- Clear Panel – removes the currently loaded thumbnails
Below panel Title:
Checkbox for enabling or disabling the Auto Key function
Radio buttons to control the Looping setting at the key
Main panel area where Thumbnails appear. Clicking on a Thumbnail makes it current and affects the associated Symbol Instance on the Timeline.
Shift-clicking on a Thumbnail will hide if from view.
Buttons at the bottom:
- Load or create Thumbnails – a Symbol instance needs to be selected to create Thumbnails. If there is nothing loaded and no selection and the button is pressed, it will look for potential existing metadata sets to load and if such are present will pop a list to choose from.
- Refresh Thumbnails – to reflect edits made after the creation of Thumbnails.
- Sync selected instance – requires a selected instance on Stage or key in Timeline. Allows to synchronize and control other elements in sync with the 'master' symbol. For example a mask that has to be synced with the eyes. Multiple synced elements can be added.
- Roll Over current thumbnails… – a command which enables users to transfer metadata from the currently loaded set of thumbnails to any other symbol instances (range of keys) selected in Timeline.
- Remove Thumbnail info and Synchronization Linkage – erases metadata from selected instances in the Timeline
- Thumbnail Filter – a drop-down which allows users to choose what Thumbnails to display in the panel. The options are All Frames , Keyframes and Labels (only displays thumbnails for frames that have labels added to them).
Multiple panels can be created and open at the same time
Defining a Frame Range
In order to exclude a portion of the timeline from displaying as Thumbnails, you can use the Create Frame Range command.
Known issues
Incorrect number and size of thumbnails (Flash 8, CS3, CS5, CS5.5 only)
In older versions of Flash thumbnail generation is affected by the settings chosen for the last exported PNG.
Read more…
Thumbnails with solid background (Flash 8, CS3, CS5, CS5.5 only)
If you have noticed that thumbnails get generated with a solid background color (instead of transparent) and you cannot change this via Thumbnail Settings in the panel drop-down menu, there is an easy fix. In these older versions of Flash the image export is dependent on the PNG export setting in File menu. To change this go to File > Export > Export Image… and export one PNG, choosing “24-bit with alpha channel”. Flash will remember this setting. Then refresh your Thumbnails in SGC panel.
Lost metadata: (Animate versions earlier than 2019.2) Due to a bug in Flash CC and Animate CC the default Convert to Keyframes function does not retain the Smart Graphic Control (and SMR) metadata in the newly created keys.
To be able to use SGC in Flash/Animate, CC users have to switch completely to Convert To Keyframe Advanced.
Video demonstrations
how to load multiple thumnails , please help i can load only one symbol in sgc
help us in loading more thumnail in sgc panel