All posts tagged Adobe Flash

The release of EDAP Tools v.6 Premium is not only an important step in the evolution of the Smart Magnet Rig system, but also a huge milestone in the history of Flash Animation.

After multiple failed attempts at IK by others over the years (the most notorious being Adobe's own implementation of bones), the Electric Dog team has developed and delivered a fully-fledged, flexible and polished IK system.

For the first time Flash / Animate users can enjoy the benefits of easy, fast and functional IK posing. Read more
Adobe introduced Layer Parenting in Animate 2019 and although in the ads it all looked great, it quickly became apparent to everyone that the system is plagued with bugs and the implementation leads to too many dead ends to be a sturdy production tool.
There is one thing, however, that Parented Layers do well – parented elements tween along arcs.

With the release of EDAP Tools v.6 we integrate Parented Layers into the SMR workflow.
To our users we provide a range of PL tools, which allow them to utilize all the benefits of Layer Parenting, while at the same time avoid all the dead ends. Read more
Symbol registration and its importance for the flawless functioning of Tweens seems to remain not well-understood within the broader Flash animation community, even among many industry professionals with decades of experience. Read more
A step-by-step guide to creating an edaptable rig from start to finish

Our free downloadable character rigs – KineFox and Smart Magnet Bot – have proven to be very popular with users. The article on Classic Tween Workflow has chapters dedicated to character specifics, but none of them covers the actual process in a step-by-step manner. Read more
A non-technical guide. Mostly...

This is not supposed to be an extensive study on the specifics of digital vector cutouts and how they differ from hand-drawn animation in regards to the application of animation principles, but there are such differences and I try to mention some of my findings.

The text is written in first person as it literally shares a personal approach and experience – a variety of techniques and methods, refined over many years to get the best results. Read more
Have you experienced this:
Flash crashes and when you reopen your file some Shape Tweens are completely broken. Then thinking you have a backup, you open an older version of the same file which was not involved in the crash in any way, but the same tweens appear to be broken there as well. Read more