- How to install
- Location of EDAP Tools
- How to uninstall
- The Tools – help entries and videos
- Edit Multiple Frames and EDAP Tools
How to install and uninstall EDAP Tools v.7
How to install
Note: If you are upgrading from a previous version of EDAP Tools, make sure you uninstall that old version first.
- Download the latest build of EDAP Tools and unzip the compressed folder somewhere on your hard drive. For example, the Desktop.
Make sure you really unzip. If you attempt to run the script out of a zipped folder you may get errors. - Start Flash or Animate
Make sure you have no documents open as Setup will need the program to be restarted when done.
(In Animate 2020 and newer make sure you stay on the Start Screen.) - From Commands menu choose Run Command…
Browse and point to Install-Uninstall EDAPT.jsfl (inside the unzipped folder) and press Open
The Install dialog box will appear.
- Choose Install EDAP Tools and press OK
You will get a message that files have been installed successfully and the program will shut down after a confirmation. - Restart Flash so that EDAP Tools can initialize
EDAPT Shortcuts
Switch to EDAPT Shortcuts by choosing:
- on Windows Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts… and from the Current Set drop-down menu EDAPT Shortcuts.
- on Mac Flash / Animate > Keyboard Shortcuts… and from the Current Set drop-down menu EDAPT Shortcuts.
Location of EDAP Tools
Upon successful installation, after the restart you will see the Welcome to EDAP Tools message.
First of all, open SMR Helpers panel from Window > Other Panels (Extensions in Animate) > SMR Helpers.
In the Standard (free) version of EDAPT it looks like this:
- EDAP Tools commands will appear in the Commands menu
- SMR Helpers panel will appear under Window > Other Panels (Extensions in Animate) > SMR Helpers
- Smart Magnet Rig panel will appear under Window > Other Panels (Extensions in Animate) > Smart Magnet Rig
- Smart Graphic Control panel will appear under Window > Other Panels (Extensions in Animate) > SGC1
- Symbol Palette Control panel will appear under Window > Other Panels (Extensions) > Symbol Palette Control
- TransPoser panel will appear under Window > Other Panels (Extensions) > TransPoser
- Sound Sync panel will appear under Window > Other Panels (Extensions) > Sound Sync
- EDAPT Commands panel will appear under Window > Other Panels (Extensions) > EDAPT Commands
- KineFlex (SMR Tool) will appear in the tools palette next to or below Free Transform tool*
- FreeStyle Rigging (SMR Tool) will appear in the tools palette grouped with KineFlex*
* In Animate 2020+ you will need to click on the … button at the bottom of the toolbar, find the tool's icon in the pool and drag it to a desired location on the toolbar. (Click for details…)
Activating EDAPT Premium
If you have a License Key, instructions how to activate the premium features are available here.
How to uninstall
Make sure you have no documents open, as the program will need to be restarted at the end of deinstallation!
Go to Commands > EDAPT Control Panel or press Alt+0.
When EDAPT Control Panel appears, click on the Uninstall EDAPT button at the bottom left of the dialog box. Then follow the prompts.
Flash / Animate will be closed and the EDAPT Uninstaller will remove the tools.
Removing individual Commands
Individual commands can be disabled i.e. removed from Commands menu (and enabled again) from Manage Commands… at the bottom of EDAPT Control Panel Alt+0.
The tools have been designed to work together as a package and managed via EDAPT Control Panel. Deleting or renaming individual commands via the default Manage Saved Commands… is not possible. They will regenerate after a restart.
The Tools
Click on the links below to view detailed help articles and demonstration videos for each of the tools.
A note about shortcuts
Many of the tools need a keyboard shortcut assigned to them. Only then they become a powerful seamless addition to an uninterrupted workflow.
EDAP Tools come with the EDAPT Keyboard Shortcuts set, which was carefully developed over the years.
Because many of the standard Adobe keys were reassigned, it may require time until users get used to it. A full description of the shortcuts is available here.
Edit Multiple Frames and EDAP Tools
We'd like to point out to our users that generally most of the tools have been designed to work in the 'current frame' only.
This, of course, should be quite obvious and a common sense approach, since most of the tools are used to facilitate better, faster, more efficient posing during animation or certain processes during designing and rigging.
There are, however, a few exceptions from this general rule – commands which were specifically written to utilize a selection that spans across multiple frames, using Edit Multiple Frames.
These commands are:
- Swap Multiple Symbols
- Next / Prev Frame In Symbol
- Layer Color (can work)
- Layer Outlines Or Guide Toggle (can work)
- Timeline Block To Symbol (can work)
- Smart Magnet Joint (can work)
Hello, electric dog team. I came to report to you a small problem installing your tool. I use Adobe Flash CS6 and when I followed the steps:
1. start Flash;
2. From the Commands menu, choose Run Command …
The Install / Uninstall dialog box did not appear with this. What appeared to me was another dialog box saying "Upon completion, the EDAPT Setup Program will need to terminate the program. To avoid losing any unsaved work, close all open documents again." When I returned to Flash, there was no change.
How should I proceed? Should I follow the manual form of installation?